The role of Human Resources (HR) has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years. As businesses seek to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing market, one of the biggest challenges facing HR professionals is determining optimal salary offers. This complex process often involves trawling through outdated salary surveys and making educated guesses, a stressful and opaque task that can feel like shooting in the dark. But what if there was a way to turn the lights on? Enter 💡 is a groundbreaking tool that shines a spotlight on the often murky world of compensation data, providing accurate, real-time information to guide your decisions. No longer do you need to rely on guesswork or old data. Whether you’re working with recruitment agencies, sourcing candidates directly, or using job boards, equips you with the information you need to set competitive yet realistic salary offers.

Real-Time Statistics: We’ve partnered with 20+ HRIS providers, ensuring we provide up-to-the-minute accurate data.
💰 Absolutely Free: Share your company’s data and gain access to vital statistics for free. It’s a win-win situation.
🔒 Complete Anonymity: Share your data securely. We ensure that all data cannot be traced back to your company.
📊 Standardization: We ensure uniform compensation levels across organizations, making comparisons easy and accurate.

In an environment where employment trends can change almost overnight, relying on survey-based models for salary information can quickly lead you astray. Manually handling this outdated data is not only time-consuming but can also lead to inaccuracies. However, solves this issue by integrating directly into your company’s HR systems and generating anonymized, real-time statistics.

🇪🇺 This efficient tool not only saves you time and money but also helps your company adhere to salary reporting obligations set by the European Union Council for companies with 100+ employees.

🚀’s real strength lies in its ability to provide comprehensive, real-time compensation data for a wide array of roles and seniority levels. Let’s take a practical example to illustrate this. Consider the role of a Software Engineer. When you open, you can easily select this specific role from an intuitive drop-down menu. Instantly, you’re presented with an array of real-time salary data for that role, including the average salary, percentile distribution, and market rate comparisons.


📈 But that’s not where the power of ends. Recognizing that different roles and seniority levels within an organization require specific compensation considerations, offers data categorized into five distinct seniority levels: Entry (IC0), Junior (IC1), Mid-Level (IC2), Senior (IC3), and Expert (IC4). This allows you to make confident, informed compensation decisions that account for the unique requirements and market conditions of each role.

This granular approach to compensation data extends across more than 120 different roles in various industries, ensuring that your compensation decisions are not just informed, but also tailored to the specifics of each role and level. Whether you’re setting the compensation for an entry-level analyst or an expert consultant, provides the insights you need.

To further simplify the process of data analysis, introduces a potent tool – percentiles. This statistical approach allows you to benchmark effectively, spot outliers, ensure fair analysis, enhance talent acquisition and retention, and plan budgets intelligently.

To gain access to these benefits, all you need to do is share data with, and you’ll receive comprehensive, real-time statistics free of charge – all while ensuring complete anonymity. It’s time to leave behind the era of static, outdated PDFs and embrace the dynamic, real-time information offered by

👉 In today’s data-driven world, is your key to unlocking fair and informed compensation decisions. Empower yourself to stay competitive, make informed decisions, and ensure equitable practices with Experience the transformative power of its comprehensive position and seniority coverage today by booking a demo call with our team.


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