MeetFrank is more effective than a job board

and cheaper than a recruitment agency.


MeetFrank delivers a recruiting service for record fast direct hires. Perfect for active sourcing – daily 5 minutes spent on the platform frees up your time to invest in perfect hires.


Choose your plan


⏱️ Hiring in record time. Skip waiting for applications to roll in – see all active candidates instantly.


🦄 Unique sample of candidates. Gain access to otherwise unreachable talent. Skilled people who you before have missed out on.


🏋️ No scraped profiles. All candidates have personally uploaded their profiles. They are verified, with high intent – actually happy to hear from you.


🏆 Better employer branding with positive, personal connections. Make your pitch to each candidate, have a natural conversation to leave a great first impression.


Want to know more?

Access quality candidates. Send direct messages.

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