This article is based on data from MeetFrank Job Market Insights. For additional and per-track reports, visit this page.

By Mid-June we have already seen many important announcements in Estonia that are likely to affect the job market. If not the best days, better days may well be on the way. 🙏 Let’s start with the Top 3!

On 1 June 2020, Estonia reopened its borders to passengers with no symptoms arriving from the EU, the Schengen Area, and the UK.

Bolt raised €100M on a €1.7B valuation. 

Estonia will be one of the first countries offering a digital nomad visa by July 1. 

All this great news shows that the economy is opening up and getting ready to welcome new talent. We’ll see what the rest of the summer will bring. 🌞

In this report, we’ll delve into how the Estonian job market has been doing recently, and compare the stats with those of May. 

Ready to discover more? Let’s dive into mid-June’s numbers! 🔢

Job Market Overview: May vs June

There has been a decline in the number of job openings in Estonia lately, which you can also read more about in our recovery outlook blog post.

The past 4 weeks saw a 24% decrease in the number of job openings. The reason for that might be not only the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic but also the arrival of summer. 🌞

active job openings in Estonia

However, the number of job applications has increased by approximately 18%. Lately, job seekers have been more active than companies. 

the job openings in Estonia

Let’s see how these stats have affected market competitiveness. 🔎

Market competitiveness in Estonia

👀 There hadn’t been a significant change in market competitiveness by June. It’s still challenging to find a job in Estonia.

Does this apply to all industries? Well, not really. 

While it’s easy to find a job for the IT & Sysadmin candidates, Marketing & PR & Media and design people are finding it difficult nowadays. 🤐

historical salaries in Estonia

Similar to Finland, Estonia has seen a gap between the offered and expected salaries in the past few months. Both job seekers and companies may be confused with the uncertainty in the economy worldwide. 🤔💰

As the upward trend continues for companies, job seeker expectations are more or less the same compared to those of the previous weeks. 

Job Applications in the Top 6 Specialties in June 2020 vs 2019

😷  Needless to say COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work, and pursue our careers. While some industries have become more popular, some have lost interest from job seekers. 

To see the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on the Estonian job market, we’ll now compare the job applications in the top 6 specialties from this year with those of mid-June 2019. 🕵

🚀 Let’s travel back in time to June 2019. There’s no pandemic, no obvious economic crisis worldwide, and we’re all ready for a great summer ahead. 

Number of job applications in Estonia in 2019 vs 2020
When we look at the tables, three points catch the eye:

✅ The number of applications seems to have increased except for IT & Sysadmin and (Tech) Project Management positions. 

The stats also explain the ease of market competitiveness for the IT & Sysadmin sector as we mentioned above, which clearly means there’s a strong need for IT & Sysadmin candidates in Estonia nowadays! 🔊

✅ Software engineering has remained the most popular industry. 

✅ Marketing & PR & Media has taken third place from (Tech) Project Management.

Similar to most countries, Estonia has been hit hard by the pandemic, which has resulted in layoffs during the last 2 months. Although the tourism sector seems to have been affected the most, this doesn’t mean that the rest have been doing great. 😔

The numbers say that software engineering applications increased by more than 300% along with significant increases in Marketing & PR & Media and Sales & Business Development compared to last year. 

The high increase can be explained by the layoffs and also the never changing popularity of Estonia when it comes to software engineering. 

Meanwhile, the Finance sector has seen a relatively low increase in the number of applications, winning 5th place over the IT & Sysadmin industry in 2020. 💰

Who are the companies hiring with MeetFrank?

MeetFrank welcomes dozens of new companies every week, and it’s great to see that our family is growing very fast.

To give you a better understanding of the companies we’re in collaboration with, we’ll share some interesting stats about the MeetFrank family with you in this section.

👉Let’s start with the company type. Our database shows that the Estonia-based companies are mostly startups and corporations. With its vibrant ecosystem for startups, this doesn’t come as a surprise, does it? 😊

type of Estonia-based companies

👉SaaS, software engineering, FinTech, finance, consultancy, enterprise software, e-commerce, and Analytics & Big Data make up the majority of the industries. We’re telling you, it’s the age of data. 🖥💪

industries of Estonia-based companies

👉 Most Estonian companies have from 11 to 50 employees and the second biggest group is in the 51-200 range

size of Estonia-based companies

The majority have revenues of below 1M, followed by companies with a revenue of 1M to 3M. 💰

Remote Job Offers Per Specialty in Mid-June

In this section, we’ll highlight remote job offers per specialty in mid-June and discuss the stats from different angles.

Now that Estonia’s getting ready to put the digital nomad visa into practice, more opportunities are on the way for remote workers. 👯

remote job offers in Estonia

As of today, companies are mostly interested in remote software engineers and secondly, sales & business development professionals. This also relates to the high number of job applications in these sectors compared to last year.

However, the Design, Customer Support, HR & Recruitment, and Data & Analytics industries seem to be preferring face-to-face collaboration. (For now. 👀)

As of today, there is no demand for remote teams in the Administration & Office and Logistics & Supply industries in Estonia

Let’s have a look at the latest remote job openings:

Welcome to the MeetFrank family!

🔊 Meet our new members: Aalto Eesti OÜ, Qstep logiciel OÜ, and Velström Vallner Tohver OÜ! Have a look at the latest job openings to find your dream job sooner than you expect: