Skills, determination and a great attitude. No, that’s not what will earn you €3,000 a month working in sales jobs in Lithuania, but it’s what you’ll need if you want to succeed in these jobs.

Guess one of the most important things that a customer looks out for in a sales transaction. Yep, involvement.

sales jobs in lithuania salaries

More and more customers now expect that buying something should be more than a transaction, it should be an experience. According to research from KPMG, more than 78% of consumers would rather spend money on an experience.

The research further found that consumer spending on experiences has increased by at least 70% since 1987. What’s more? 62% of customers expect personalized service when they interact with a brand, especially if they have made past purchases.

It’s definitely not easy to turn something as ordinary as buying a new hairdryer into a unique consumer experience, but it’s what customers expect. And if you’ll stand any chance of making your brand their top choice, that’s exactly what you have to deliver.

So, it seems you’ll be needing plenty of skills, determination and lots of attitude to achieve this. Not to worry though, there are many stats and facts that you can utilize to make the best of your task and smash your earning goals.

We’ll share some of these stats in this article, along with information about the market for sales jobs in Lithuania and how to earn €3,000 a month in these jobs. Let’s dig in.


Sales jobs in Lithuania: What are customers doing?


Although retail sales in Lithuania increased by 2.9% year on year in August 2019, there have been some pretty strong figures up until now. The 2.9% posted was the smallest gain in retail sales since February 2018, and only eased from a strong 6.9% in July.

To get these sales in though, a lot of work has to go in. Sales engagement research found that only 24% of sales emails are ever opened. And calling is not any better. It takes an average of 18 calls to actually connect with a buyer and call-back rates are below 1%.  

Cold calls are getting even harder to pull through these days. Until recently, it took an average of about 3.6 cold calls to reach a prospect. Now, it takes an average of 8 cold call attempts to reach the same prospect.

Despite this, 41.2% of salespeople said their phone is the most effective sales tool in their arsenal. Why’s this? By implementing a number of seemingly simple but effective tactics, savvy salespersons are able to reach prospects quicker and turn them into quality leads.

For instance, you probably didn’t know that the worst times to call, according to research, are Mondays at 6:00 am and on Friday afternoons. Or that the use of collaborative words such as ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’ instead of ‘I’, increased call success rates by 35%. Weird? Probably. Effective? Definitely.

Although the calling stats are definitely interesting, the real winner for sales reps is social media. Nielsen reports, for instance, that 43% of consumers are more likely to buy a new product when they learn about it from their friends on social media.

The purchasing decisions of 81% are influenced by their friends’ social media posts and another 78% are influenced by the posts of brands they follow.

Considering this, it’s no wonder that salespeople are more effective when they use social media. Several industries also report a 50% increase in sales revenue when they utilize social media selling.

So, to really get started on your journey to earning well from sales jobs in Lithuania, you need to start working on your LinkedIn skills.


Top skills to earn more than €3,000


From our data on the offers made for sales jobs in Lithuania between during the first half of 2019, we curated the top skills demanded by recruiters. Out of 34 tracked skills, we drew out the top five.

Sales in demand skills in lithuania

Business development and sales management skills received the joint most demand from employers. They were required in 13% of offers each. Interestingly, cold contacting skills were required in 8% of offers, and lead generation skills also received the same demand. Negotiation skills rounded up the top five, being required in 7% of offers.

We studied offers that brought talent salaries over €3,000 and distilled the skills required in these offers. To earn this high, MeetFrank data indicates that candidates need to have competencies in sales management, business development and negotiation.

Sales jobs in Lithuania

Sales reps will also be expected to cultivate and maintain an attitude that engages consumers. This is because a single positive experience enjoyed by a consumer can turn that person into a loyal fan. And they’ll be bringing their friends along too.

A single offline word of mouth impression (a referral) drives sales 5 times more than one paid impression (paid ads). For impressions that require higher fees, an offline impression can drive sales even 100 times higher.

Retaining a single customer can provide a lifetime value 16% higher than a single-purchase customer. This is why companies need to cultivate their customer engagement strategies.

However, it can bite both ways if done incorrectly. Avande reports that more than 50% of buyers consult third party sources long before getting in touch with a company. You want to ensure that they’re hearing all the right things.


Who are companies hiring and what are they paying?


MeetFrank data on the hiring trends for the first half of 2019 showed that the highest demand from companies was for senior sales reps. Offers for mid-level roles in sales jobs in Lithuania followed as a very close second.

Offers for lead and junior executives were 3rd and 4th respectively, while the 2nd least offers were made to candidates in entry roles.

sales jobs in lithuania salaries

This didn’t stop these candidates from earning reasonably well though. Entry sales reps earned a monthly average of €1,543, a figure slightly above the national average. Juniors earned much higher though, taking home a monthly average of €2,319 during the first half of 2019.

Executives were the highest paid, even though they received the least offers. They took home €3,335 on average per month.

Overall, the average minimum wage recorded during the first half of 2019 was €1,084 while the average maximum was €2,616. The highest salary received during the period was €10,000. Quite a hefty pay check, we must say.

sales jobs in lithuania

On a month to month basis, general averages did reasonably well, with strong average salaries per month. The lowest during the period was €1,617, recorded in June, while the highest was €2,216, recorded, interestingly, in the very next month, July.


Where do you want to work?


Now that you know what skills you need to earn high in sales jobs in Lithuania, you can also have your pick of companies you’d like to work for. When asked about their preferences, MeetFrank users in Lithuania said they want to work for startups, remotely and for the Coolest Offices.

sales jobs in lithuania

There are firms that fit this description and are also actively hiring for sales jobs in Lithuania. They include CoinGate, Kilo.Health, Telia, KORDIS, Debitum Network, Whatagraph and Interactio.

Apart from these companies, several others have been very active in hiring for sales jobs in Lithuania. The top ten includes UAB Icona, Intrum Global Business Services, Multiorders, CoinGate and Umega Group AB.

Others are ACC Distribution, International Fintech UAB, Credital, Kilo.Health and 70 Ventures UAB. Interested in finding out more about these companies? You can have all the info at your fingertips.

top 5 companies in sales lithuania


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MeetFrank is an app made for talent and recruiters. It provides all the info, data and stats that talent need to make informed decisions about job offers and what companies need to find the right candidates.

You can download the app for Android and Apple, if you want to see what companies are interested in hiring you. And if you are a recruiter, schedule a call with us here to see how MeetFrank makes recruitment easier for companies.