IT Jobs in Finland: Skilling-Up for Jobs of the Future

IT Jobs in Finland: Skilling-Up for Jobs of the Future

There is possibly no other industry where skill has a shorter relative life-span than in the IT industry. One day, you’re just about caught up with all the current skills of the period, and the next, someone goes and invents an entire new programming language. 

Take this alongside the general premium on candidates in STEM occupations, and the IT industry is faced with two interesting challenges. On the one hand, candidates with enough skills to even get hired in the first place are relatively scarce. So, as talent looking for a shot at IT jobs in Finland, you have a realistically good chance of finding the job you want. 

On the other hand, the fact that the ICT industry constantly lives on the boundaries of human capacity and invention lends its own challenge. It means that candidates that were eminently qualified when hired may barely cut it a year later. 

That is the skills conundrum facing the global industry and the local market for IT jobs in Finland. If you are a candidate looking to get in on these jobs, you’ll need to constantly be on the school run; learning, un-learning and re-learning as fast as you can. 

Do you have what it takes to succeed in these jobs? What are the skills that you need to focus on? We have the stats and facts you’ll need right here. 


IT jobs in Finland: An overview 


Like some of its neighbours, Finland also has a strong ICT industry. As at 2017, the sector employed about 6.8% of Finland’s workforce, the highest in the EU at the time. Compared with the EU average of 3.7%, the country boasts almost double that figure. 

The IT industry and the larger technology industry, are considered the most important export industry in Finland. Employing a total of 700,000 people directly and indirectly, the sector is responsible for 70% of all investment in research and development in the country. 

Operations of tech companies in Finland also represent more than 50% of all Finnish exports. Unsurprisingly, the ICT industry brought in a turnover of more than €12.6 billion in 2017, 6% more than the previous year. 

One of the biggest advantages that Finland offers international businesses is its relatively low cost of doing business. The country has the world’s highest data usage per capita and second-highest mobile broadband penetration rate. This ensures that companies and startups spend less on R&D while encouraging more companies to spend in the country. 

In 2015, the country ranked sixth in Europe for ICT R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP, at 5%. Conversely, the average cost of a 20-man R&D team in Finland is 50% less than what obtains in Silicon Valley. Considering this, it’s not surprising that more and more IT companies are choosing to call Finland home. 

Who do companies want to hire


From MeetFrank data on offers for IT jobs in Finland over the first half of 2019, candidates in senior and mid-level positions received the joint highest offers. An almost similar amount of offers was made to lead IT and systems admin professionals while the least offers were made to junior and entry talent. 

The data shows a market trend that bends more towards experience and skill. Talent that wishes to get in on the act for IT jobs in Finland would do well to acquire the necessary skills that will help them start a little further along the ladder. 

top companies hiring in IT in Finland

The top ten companies leading in recruitment for IT and systems admin professionals over the period include Visma and Factory Harmonizer. Others include Särmä  Digital Oy, Kuori Oy, Sales Communications Finland Oy, Haahtela Group, Mavericks Out, Eficode, Rapal and Cuuma Communications.

Up-skilling and re-skilling for IT jobs in Finland 


Skills are a bigger issue for IT and systems admin jobs than for most other occupations. Candidates must constantly be on the sharp edge of what is current in their profession to be considered relevant and worthy of hiring. 

In a recent report by the Brookings Institute, the World Economic Forum reported that 54% of talent in ICT will need re-skilling and up-skilling by 2022. That means more than half the global ICT workforce will need to skill up in just about 3 short years. 

From MeetFrank data, the top five skills in demand for IT jobs in Finland over the first half of 2019 are instructive. Required in 14% each of all job offers, Docker and DevOps were the most in demand skills for the period. 

top skills in IT in Finland

Systems Administration, Jenkins and Linux made up the rest of the top five with 7%, 6% and 4% respectively. 

Considering that Finland lays claim to being the country that gave Linux to the world, candidates for IT jobs in Finland may well be wizards in the language. That should come in handy too, since Statista reports that 80% of ICT companies around the world have an unsatisfied demand for Linux-speaking professionals. 

Top skills in finland in IT

Want to increase your hiring ceiling for IT jobs in Finland? MeetFrank data indicates that to earn more than €5,000 a month, talent must be competent in Docker, DevOps and Jenkins. 


How much can you earn on IT jobs in Finland


IT jobs in Finland are amongst the best paid jobs in the country. From MeetFrank data talent in these jobs earned an average of €4,000 over the first half of 2019, with some entry positions even starting at that amount. 

salaries in IT jobs in Finland

The average minimum salary for the period was €3,047 while the average maximum was €5,313. That puts the mean at around €4,000. The highest salary recorded during the period was much higher than the average maximum though, at €7,600. Quite a payday. 

salaries in IT jobs in Finland

Entry candidates earned an average of €4,600 a month and juniors earned only a little higher, taking home an average of €4,720 a month. Mid-level talent earned €5,154 on average while senior and lead talent earned €5,515 and €5,592 respectively. 

IT jobs in Finland

Data on salaries from month to month indicated that average salaries held between a low of €3,663 and a high of €4,675.


Talent making a run for positions in IT jobs in Finland should keep an eye on the market, so they know the necessary trends and demands that will shape hiring. 

This is made extremely easy by MeetFrank. You can use our insights to get information on the jobs that interest you and the requirements of hirers. Simply download the app for Apple or Android today to get started. 

Recruiters can also use MeetFrank to iron out their recruiting challenges. Do you have an issue you’d like to resolve know your hiring process? We can help you. Reach out to start a conversation and see how MeetFrank works.

The Explosive Promise of IT Jobs in Lithuania

The Explosive Promise of IT Jobs in Lithuania

For a long while now, Lithuania has been steadily building a reputation as an incredible place to live and work. The country offers the promise of an affordable lifestyle in an environment that is cleaner, healthier and more tech savvy than most. 

However, the allure of Lithuania’s serene rivers and forests is only eclipsed by the country push to become Europe’s premier hub for IT and tech. And if current reports are anything to go by, the country is fast becoming “a force in IT”. 

Especially in the area of Fintech, the country has deliberately set out to create an environment that embraces and encourages technology and tech companies. In the areas of policy, legislation and funding, a lot of effort has been put into making Lithuania the IT destination of choice. 

With its burgeoning reputation as one of Europe’s most exciting tech hubs, there’s no doubt that the country is succeeding. Opportunities for IT jobs in Lithuania are expanding by the day and it’s safe to say that IT talent has never had it this good in the country. 

If you’re interested in the prospects for IT jobs in Lithuania, there’s a lot to look forward to. This article will go into some detail about the atmosphere for IT and systems admin jobs in Lithuania as well as the hiring trends and preferences for these jobs. 

Drawing on data culled from MeetFrank, we’ll explain all you need to know about earning potential for IT jobs in Lithuania and the skills you need to succeed. 


Lithuania is becoming a force in IT 


The Lithuanian government, like its Estonian counterpart, made a conscious decision to invest in IT some 20 years ago. It quickly established certain wins, such as becoming the city with the fastest public Wi-Fi in the world and with the 3rd most affordable internet in Europe. 

But the country didn’t stop there. It decided to invest heavily in its IT talent, aiming to encourage a multi-lingual pool of highly talented and educated IT talent. The end result of that investment now is a pool of over 31,500 IT professionals, with up to 2,000 graduating yearly. 

The country’s talent has English proficiency of 85% and was ranked 13th in the world for IT skills in 2017. Bloomberg also ranked the country as the 8th best in the world for percentage of graduates enrolled in higher education. 

The concerted drive towards creating an IT advantage has led to intense interest from some of the largest companies in the world. As at 2017, the country hosted 13 of the 20 largest IT companies in the Baltic region. It is currently home to tech giants such as Google, IBM, Wix, Uber, Unity, Revolut and a host of others

All the data points to incredible success in Lithuania’s IT drive, and only within a few short years. The country was ranked 1st in the world in fulfilling business needs for ICT and in 2018, it was ranked 16th out of 191 countries, on the Doing Business Index. 

In recent times, the country has put even more effort into setting itself up as a Mecca for Fintech companies, and it is succeeding here as well. As at 2017, it was reported that a total of 117 Fintech firms were operating in Lithuania, a rapid increase from the 45 companies reported in 2013. 

By creating a regulatory sandbox and government policy that favours the creation of Fintech startups, Lithuania has put itself in a position to benefit handsomely from companies that want to hedge on Brexit. 


IT jobs in Lithuania are growing in leaps and bounds 


The extremely positive outlook towards IT companies in Lithuania is creating a ripple effect on IT jobs in the country. As more Fintech startups are being born in the country and as more IT giants establish operations in Lithuania, there is greater demand for IT professionals to fill crucial roles. 

Unsurprisingly, MeetFrank data found that offers for IT jobs in Lithuania grew by 45% between January and July 2019, compared to the second half of 2018. With more companies hiring on MeetFrank, there are even more opportunities for talent to find the jobs that tick the right boxes. 

Hiring trends for the first half of 2019 indicated that there was greater demand for mid-level IT and systems admin professionals, over other roles. Offers for seniors came in second, with the least offers going to candidates in lead, junior and entry roles, respectively. 

top companies IT jobs in Lithuania

The companies that have been most active in hiring for IT and systems admin experts, according to our list of top 10 most active companies include Adroiti and Baip. Others are Danske Group IT Lithuania, Cognizant Technology Solutions Lithuania, Protingieji kurmiai UAB, UAB Inventi, Franmax UAB, UAB DPD LIETUVA, Telia Lietuvoje and Avia Solutions Group (CY) PLC. 

Where People want to work in Lithuania

Where do IT and systems admin professionals on MeetFrank want to work? According to our data, preferences are spread across the Coolest Offices, Startups and companies offering Remote work. Those companies that fit the bill and that are also hiring for IT jobs in Lithuania include Adroiti and Telia. 


Average salaries for IT jobs in Lithuania 


From MeetFrank data, average minimum salaries for the first half of 2019 were €1,238 while the average maximum was €2,397. The highest salary offered during the period was €4,000. 

salaries in IT jobs Lithuania

IT and systems admin professionals in entry roles earned an average of €1,733 per month, with juniors earning slightly higher at €1,891 per month on average. Mid-level professionals earned €2,349 and seniors earned €2,662. 

seniorities salaries in IT jobs lithuania

Candidates occupying lead roles were the highest earners during the period, taking home an average monthly salary of €2,778. 

Monthly salaries held steady between a high of €2,233, which was recorded in April, and a low of €1,533, recorded in June. 

salaries in Lithuania IT

Top 5 skills for success in IT jobs in Lithuania 


Out of 35 tracked skills required for IT jobs in Lithuania, we tracked the top 5 in-demand skills. Systems Administration was the most in-demand skill, being required in 9% of job offers during the period. 

skills in demand IT lithuania

Linux, Windows and Systems Operations were joint second, being required in 8% of offers respectively. SQL completed the top 5, required in 7% of the total job offers on the platform. 

For talent that intend to set a higher earning ceiling, what skills do you need to possess to earn higher than most? According to MeetFrank data, you need competencies in Systems Administration, Systems Operations and SQL to earn more than €2,500 a month. 

IT jobs in Lithuania

Make your mark with MeetFrank 


MeetFrank was created to help democratise the job market. We help talent find the necessary information they need to make the best decisions possible on their hiring opportunities for IT jobs in Lithuania. 

If there’s any company or position you’re interested in, you’ll find all the information you want to know on MeetFrank. To get started, all you need do is download the app for Apple or Android today

And for recruiters, MeetFrank makes life easy by connecting companies with talent that ticks all the boxes for them. If you’d like to know more, get in touch with us to see how MeetFrank makes recruitment easy.

Why IT Jobs in Estonia are the Best Paid Jobs in the Country

Why IT Jobs in Estonia are the Best Paid Jobs in the Country

It’s no longer news that Estonia is widely regarded as a paradigm for what a digitally enabled society should look like. 

In fact, the nation’s proficiency in ICT is so highly regarded, that its IT tools are trusted by more than 128 countries around the world. This has contributed to Estonia’s status as “the world’s most digitally enabled nation”. 

The country has become a home for some of the biggest IT companies in the world, making IT jobs in Estonia some of the most sought after jobs in the country. And, most likely, to the delight of candidates seeking out these roles, IT jobs in Estonia are also the highest paid in the country. 

There’s a lot of data behind these facts though. Why exactly are IT jobs the most sought after in Estonia? What makes them the best paid in the country? And most important, what do you need to stake a claim for these jobs? 

Relying on insights gathered from the MeetFrank app, we’ll answer all these questions and more in this article. 


Estonia is a magnet for IT jobs


When it started its drive towards committing to IT as a national strategy in the mid-1990s, the Estonian government could hardly have anticipated its success. About 25 years later, the country has risen to become an IT force in the EU and worldwide. 

IT is woven into the fabric of Estonian society and government. Information technology forms a critical part of school studies, from primary school onwards, and the country’s tertiary institutions routinely churn out experts in several aspects of IT. 

The country is recognised as #3 in Europe, in share of ICT specialists employed in the country. Its workforce is extremely skilled and multi-lingual, with expertise in major computer languages, data analytics, UX and cyber security. 

Naturally, this deep expertise has made Estonia a hotbed for IT and digital initiatives. The country is home to NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence and companies such as Telia have started trialing 5G in the country. 

IT behemoths such as Microsoft, CGI, Fujitsu, Kuehne+Nagel and Arvato have made a long-term home in Estonia. And massive homegrown companies such as Transferwise, Fortumo, Playtech and Pipedrive are pushing the boundaries of IT as we know it. 

IT is essentially a natural resource in the country, and this, coupled with the government’s staunch support for IT policies has made the country a digital Mecca.

What’s the bottom line? You’re unlikely to find any other country in Europe that has such a potential for the best IT jobs as Estonia. That’s why IT jobs in Estonia are highly sought after within the country, from around the EU and around the world. 


Employers are massively hiring for IT jobs in Estonia 


Considering the bone deep significance and government encouragement of IT in Estonia, it’s natural to expect that IT jobs won’t come easy in the country. After all, with the high-level support that IT enjoys in the government and the focus placed on IT in education, Estonia should be drowning in IT experts. 

However, nothing could be further from the truth. Perhaps, it is a mark of the great opportunities in Estonia that the country is not over-saturated in IT talent. In fact, as at April 2018, Estonia’s Minister of Enterprise and Information Technology was quoted as saying that the country’s ICT sector was lacking “about seven thousand professionals”. 

He further stated that “[t]he labour demand of Estonian companies is so high that there are not enough Estonians interested in working the digital field to recruit”. What this means is talent can essentially have their pick of IT jobs in Estonia. 

MeetFrank data also confirms the hiring activity of IT companies in Estonia. Within the period between January and July 2019, the most job offers were made to senior IT professionals. 

An almost similar amount of offers was made to mid-level talent, with offers for lead and junior talent rounding up most of the demand. The least offers were made to junior talent and candidates for executive positions. 

companies hiring in IT estonia

The top ten companies leading the hiring for IT and systems admin professionals include telecommunications giant, Telia Estonia, and banking giant, Swedbank. Others in the top ten include RMIT, TEHIK, SMIT, Inbank, Nortal, Erply, Avalanche Laboratory and Turnit.

it jobs recruiting

IT talent in Estonia are also making their work preferences known on MeetFrank. Most want to work for Fintech companies, startups and from remote locations. Several companies fit this profile and also happen to be hiring IT and systems admin professionals right now. 

They include Swedbank, Inbank, Nortal, RMIT, Erply, Turnit, Omniva, Pocopay, Helmes, Luminor, Icefire, Cleveron, Concise and Viistek Media. 

IT jobs in Estonia are well paid 


With the well of opportunities that IT jobs in Estonia provide talent, it goes without saying that the profession is quite lucrative. 

In fact, according to Statistics Estonia figures for the third quarter of 2019, employees in ICT earned the highest average national salaries. The national average for the third quarter was €1,397, while employees in ICT jobs earned an average monthly gross of €2,360. That’s a thousand euros higher than average. 

It jobs in estonia

MeetFrank data on IT and systems admin jobs also confirms this data. Overall salaries for the first half of 2019 were pegged at a minimum average of €1,789 and a maximum average of €3,237. The highest salary earned during the period was €6,500. 

salaries in IT estonia

Talent in entry roles earned an average of €1,867 while those in junior roles earned much higher at €2,681 per month. The salary figures were much closer for mid-level, senior, lead and executive employees, earning €3,197, €3,351, €3,411 and €3,450 respectively. 

salaries in it in estonia

The averages from month to month are also consistent with national figures. The averages generally held between a high of €2,838 in June and a low of €2,180 in March.  

Do you have the skills to succeed in IT jobs in Estonia? 


IT jobs are very skill-intensive. To thrive in these jobs, talent must not only possess very good skills, they must also possess healthy doses of the right skills. From the job offers made on MeetFrank, we tracked the skills that employers were keen to find in talent.

skills in IT jobs in estonia

Of the 35 tracked skills, we pulled out the top 5. Taking up approximately 10% of offers, systems administration was the most sought after skill for IT and systems admin jobs in Estonia. 

Linux and Systems Analysis followed in second, being required in 7% of job offers each, while DevOps and Systems Operations were joint third, with 6% each. 

IT jobs in Estonia

Unsurprisingly, the skills that talent would need to earn very high, at least above €2,500, are the same skills in the top two: Systems Administration, Linux and Systems Analysis. 


Find all the info you need on MeetFrank


As the data reproduced here shows, talent just may hold the advantage in the market for IT jobs in Estonia. Talent is just a tad scarce in the market and salary trends are on the up and up. Not a bad market for talent, in all. 

Information of this nature can help qualified candidates make intelligent decisions about job offers and opportunities in the Estonian IT job market. And that’s not even the tip of the iceberg. Check out our app for Apple and Android to find even more information about who wants to hire you and what they have to offer. 

MeetFrank is also perfect for companies that want to get a pulse of the market, so they can know what the perfect candidate looks like. Recruiters don’t need to sort through thousands of CVs when they can find the right talent with a few clicks. Reach out to us to see how MeetFrank works for companies.

MeetFrank Raises €1.5M to Tear Down Borders for Global Talent

MeetFrank Raises €1.5M to Tear Down Borders for Global Talent

Woohoo, we’ve got some wonderful news! Big thanks to everyone for the trust!


Our team has been working very hard for the past few months to do something out of the ordinary. We believe that aspiration comes before location. And we’ve made it our mission to show the best job offers that align with our users vision, globally. In today’s interconnected world, we see that location doesn’t matter as much.

Furthermore as there are some big companies today that are completely office-free, such as Automattic for example. We want to bring the world closer together and make sure everyone can discover their full potential, globally.


And here is our latest press release:


MeetFrank announced today its closure of a €1.5M funding round led by investors, Enern VC, Change Ventures, and Hummingbird. MeetFrank will use the capital to launch its new “relocation without location” feature that opens up international borders and helps global talent relocate for work.

The demand for talent is not being met on a global scale. According to research by HAYS, talent mismatches – the gap between skills employers are seeking and the skills available among job applicants – is increasing and could significantly thwart business growth.

MeetFrank’s secret career app, a machine learning and chatbot combo that anonymously matches companies with top talent based on data such as salary expectations, skill set and experience, is helping to solve the mismatch problem with its new “relocation without location” app feature. MeetFrank’s philosophy is that aspiration, not location, is essential for attracting the best talent. Applicants can now easily discover new opportunities abroad, and companies get talent that best aligns with their job requirements from outside of their local talent pool. 


global job marketplace

“Talent is willing to move for the right opportunity, but in most cases, the right opportunity never arises. Job opportunities outside your ecosystem are often inaccessible and global talent doesn’t know what their global options are. Additionally, great companies miss out on the best people because they don’t know how to reach them,” says MeetFrank CEO Kaarel Holm. “We want to match people to the companies that align with their views, values, and aspirations. Currently, the global talent pool is too biased towards location instead of attracting the best talent,” he continues.

Users are not required to provide their real name or any other identifying personal information in order to get matches with potential positions. The company aims to otherwise bring transparency to the job market with explicit salary offers and by helping passive job seekers assess their employment options without alerting their current bosses to their job search.

“MeetFrank has built an amazing platform that we believe will fundamentally change the way talent relocates and acquires work around the world. Employers will be able to find candidates across functions and geographies on a single platform that will become mission-critical in attracting talent,” says Filip Popovic, Principal at Enern VC. “We chose to invest in MeetFrank because they have a great team, the capability to build further traction, and they are on the cutting edge of technology to disrupt the recruitment process globally,” Filip Popovic continues.

To date, MeetFrank has raised €2.45M in total funding and currently has over 265,000 users, with its largest markets being Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Germany. Founded in 2017, MeetFrank has achieved hockey stick growth in local job markets and now aims to become the go-to talent-focused global job marketplace.


For additional information:

Media kit with pictures

Kaarel Holm, CEO, MeetFrank OÜ

+372 503 3778


MeetFrank aims to democratise the job market. Our secret career app tells you who wants to hire you and how much they are willing to pay. For jobseekers, the service is completely anonymous – the employer does not receive the applicant’s personal information unless they declare interest in the job. The app also shows the average salary of jobs that directly match the jobseekers profile.

MeetFrank was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia, with an office in Helsinki. The app has over 265,000 users worldwide. The service was launched as the official recruitment platform for Slush 2017. Companies who have used the recruitment service include Futurice, Wolt, Accenture, Smartly and Bolt. 

7 Illuminating Facts About Product Management Jobs in Finland

7 Illuminating Facts About Product Management Jobs in Finland

Around the world, interest in the term ‘product manager’ has doubled. The job description is now outgrowing more ‘traditionally’ attractive career paths like management consulting and investment banking.

Tasked with visualising, strategising and developing successful products, product managers are an important bridge between products and the consumer. They are responsible for guiding the success of a product and leading the multi-disciplinary team that is responsible for improving it. 

Even though the discipline is thought to have been around since the 1930s, product management is still considered an emerging field. But companies around the world are excited about the benefits. 

Companies hiring for product management jobs in Finland have also caught the bug and have been carrying out a lot of activity on this front. 

If you have had an eye on the developments in the market for product management jobs in Finland, you’ll thoroughly enjoy this article. 

Drawing from data curated from the MeetFrank app, we took a close look at how jobs in product management have been shaping up in Finland. This article will discuss 7 interesting facts we’ve unearthed. Here goes. 


#1: Offers for product management jobs in Finland have increased by 160%


Compared to the period running from July to December 2018, product management jobs in Finland have seen an astonishing increase in offers. 

MeetFrank data on offers for these jobs in the first half of 2019 showed a 160% increase in these offers as against the second half of 2018. 

For a position that is still emerging, this is a promising increase. Clearly, more companies are hiring for these jobs on MeetFrank and more candidates have an opportunity to find the jobs that interest them. 


#2: Product managers provide 34% extra revenue to companies


That’s one of the reasons why there’s so much hype around product management jobs in Finland and in various industries. 

Unlike other professionals such as project managers, sales/marketing reps and business development reps, product managers occupy a niche that was unsatisfied by any of the other positions. 

The general trend in sales has been an increasing gravitation towards the consumer as the nucleus of the industry. And as the consumer takes possession of its place at the heart of the industry, they increasingly require more from businesses. 

This makes for a surprisingly cut-throat industry where products that don’t cut it will fail, and fast. According to this 280 Group survey, up to 21% of products fail because they do not meet customers’ needs. That’s about 1 in 5 products. 

Product managers are uniquely placed to do one thing: bring the perspective of the consumer into the production process. They bring a unique understanding of consumer needs, problems and expectations to the table, then incorporate these in the production process from conception through to marketing and sales. 

That’s why when performing at their best, product managers can help companies increase profits by up to 34.2%. How’s that for an investment? 


#3: Yet, less than 30% of executives fully appreciate their value


That’s a hard stat to swallow. Despite the obvious value that product managers can bring to companies, almost two thirds (2 out of 3) of executives don’t even understand that value. How’s that for being unappreciated?

This problem is common for people in emerging roles where a lot of work is still being put into understanding the roles. Unlike other established roles like sales, marketing or design, it can be a tad difficult to showcase your value as a product manager. 

Getting around this will involve finding ways to bring your value across clearly to the decision makers. When they can clearly see what you’re doing and how it impacts the firm, they will better understand your value. 


#4: Senior product managers are the most sought after candidates


For the period between January to July 2019, candidates in senior roles were the most sought after by companies hiring for product management jobs in Finland. 

product management jobs in Finland

Offers for candidates in lead roles were a close second though while offer for mid-level positions were distinct third. The least offers were made to candidates in executive roles and entry positions. 

Considering the data, it might be worth your while to invest in added skills and experience before taking the plunge into the market for product management jobs in Finland. 

companies hiring in product management finland

The companies doing the most hiring for these jobs include Web-veistämö / Avoin.Systems, Efima Oy, Zeffi, Kraftvaerk Finland Oy, Kuori Oy, Qentinel Oy, Särmä Digital Oy, ICarryIt Ltd, Datafisher and Myinfomonitor. 


#5: The lowest paid product managers in Finland earn an average of €3,600


MeetFrank data shows that entry roles in product management attracted average monthly salaries of €3,600. Not a bad start to a career in product management. 

Mid-level product managers were paid an average of €4,125 per month, seniors earned €4,833 and executives were highest paid, carting away €5,500 per month. 

Salaries in product management jobs in finland

The general averages throughout the first half of 2019 indicated an average minimum of €2,762 and an average maximum of €4,692. The highest salary offer was a princely €7,500 per month. 

salaries in finland

Our figures for monthly averages also buttressed the high figures for average salaries with the highest being €4,550 in June and the lowest, €3,130 in March. 


#6: The most in-demand skill for product managers is project management 


Considering the fact that product management and project management are considered to require very different skillsets, this is quite interesting. 

Project management usually involves taking charge of a specific subset of the production process and managing goals, deadlines and results in relation to that subset. For instance, in the course of producing a new iPhone model, a team may be asked to focus on producing a better camera. A project manager will usually be in charge of that team. 

However, despite the narrower focus of project management, it makes sense that it is required for product management jobs in Finland. At its most basic level, a single product is a collection of different features and elements. 

A skilled product manager should be capable of focusing on one of these elements and micro-managing there if necessary. If the iPhone’s camera is considered to be that point where the next big breakthrough will come from, then the product manager will have to pay special attention to it. skills in product management finland

Other skills required from product managers in Finland include business development (16%), team leading (16%), quality assurance (11%) and user experience (9%). 

Project management, business development and team leading are the skills possessed by the top earners in the profession. MeetFrank data indicates that these skills will be useful to earning salaries above €4,000. 

skills in finland

#7: Less than 5% of product managers can code


Surprisingly, the vast majority of product managers do not know how to code. Why’s this surprising? 

Well, for a business role that has gained popularity through its development in tech companies, it’s a bit of a surprise. Although, while the role was once fairly technical, it’s fair to say there’s now a bit of diversity to the role. So coding skills are not entirely mandatory. 

Despite this, 60% of product managers admit that more technical training will help them become better managers. This can help them better communicate with teams and translate their ideas much more fluidly. 




If you would like to know more about product management jobs in Finland, you can download MeetFRank article for Android or Apple. All the important info you need is available on the app, and you can see the companies interested in hiring you. 

Companies can also use MeetFrank to see the perfect candidates for them and set up their hiring process. Call us to see how the app works.