The happiness and health of your team directly affects productivity. Luckily we are no longer in an era where workers are seen as slaves. Your team is your most important asset and many companies are doing all they can to make sure their talent is well looked after.

Stress is directly linked to your health and this is crucial especially in Estonian climate. As soon as the summer months are over, the sickness season begins. As the sick pay compensation starts from the third day of being off a huge part of the workforce keeps coming in sick, infect their team and as a result stay sicker for longer. This issue is worse even in situations with single parents.

People also get sicker much easily when they are under stress, don’t have time to look after themselves or don’t keep a healthy diet and regular exercise. Companies are getting to an understanding that investing in the health & wellness of their team increases productivity and actually saves them capital.

We’ve compiled a list of the creme de la creme of companies in Estonia that put their talent’s wellness at the top of their agenda. Let’s take a look at how we picked these companies first. When a company adds themselves to MeetFrank, they pick the things that are most important to them. To you, the talented, it looks like this:


And here let me we give you an overview of different benefits and perks on offer by companies in Estonia to keep their team’s health and wellness on point, resulting in a happier work life.


Health Checks

company health checks estonia

On top of the obvious benefits of health checks such as improving your overall health it can also help boost loyalty and morale at work. They benefit both the employee and employer greatly. When we feel appreciated at work we tend to also put more effort in. 

Regular health checks are very important but sadly Estonians go to the doctors too late and underlying health issues get discovered in the late stages. By creating a culture where health checks are the norm we drastically increase the overall health at the workplace and of the population overall.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) identifies the following key risk factors to health, all of these could be addressed during a health check:

  • Smoking
  • Drinking alcohol
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • High blood glucose
  • Poorly balanced diet
  • Lack of exercise


Regular health checks may give you enough of a push or advice to change some of your lifestyle choices for improving your health – such as quitting smoking or changing your diet. Determining factors that can develop into a health issue at an early stage can improve your overall health & wellness by quite a lot.

Benefits to team:

  • Access to info on their health
  • Reduced risks to their health
  • Improvement in performance
  • Better mental health

Benefits to companies:

  • Reduced sickness absence
  • Higher overall happiness of staff
  • Reduced turnover of staff
  • Improvement in productivity
  • Improved morale and loyalty amongst employees – taking extra steps for the health of the team improves overall work satisfaction

health and wellness estonia


Here are some of the companies in Estonia that offer health checks on MeetFrank:

Check their profiles in the links to find out what they do and how they take care of their teams.

All Media Digital jobs, Nortal jobs, Burfa Tech jobs, COMODULE jobs, Mindshare jobs, Betsson Group jobs, Fortumo jobs, Insly jobs, Skeleton Technologies jobs, SK ID Solutions jobs, INZMO jobs, Turnit jobs, MindTitan jobs, Sixfold jobs, Admiral Markets jobs, Erply jobs, Bedford Row Capital jobs, Bolt jobs, Adcash jobs, Mooncascade jobs, Interactive Brokers jobs, SportID jobs, SEB jobs, Rush Street Interactive jobs, RMIT jobs, Veriff jobs, Vaimo jobs, AFS IT Services Estonia jobs, RingIT jobs, Microsoft jobs, Softwerk jobs, Starship jobs, Proekspert jobs, Swedbank jobs, Helmes jobs, Cash On Go jobs, Guardtime jobs, Tele2 jobs


These companies offer flu vaccinations on the house on top of the health checks:

Microsoft jobs, Veriff jobs, SMIT jobs, Starship jobs, Swedbank jobs, Nortal jobs, Cash On Go jobs, Guardtime jobs, Tele2 jobs


Mental health support is on the agenda for these guys:

Nortal jobs, All Media Digital jobs, Testlio jobs, Insly jobs, Fortumo jobs, Admiral Markets jobs, Erply jobs, Veriff jobs, Vaimo jobs, Microsoft jobs, Starship jobs, EveryPay jobs, Clanbeat jobs, Swedbank jobs, Helmes jobs, Proekspert jobs, Tele2 jobs


Extra sick pay compensation

Nortal jobs, Betsson Group jobs, SK ID Solutions jobs, Omniva jobs, SEB jobs, Rush Street Interactive jobs, RingIT jobs, Swedbank jobs, Microsoft jobs, Proekspert jobs, Cash On Go jobs, Guardtime jobs, Tele2 jobs


Private Health Care

viveo health and wellness

Even though Estonia has a pretty good functioning national health care system, if you need to see a specialist fast, it makes more sense to go private. There are enough private clinics to get seen fast, however it can get pricey – on average a private doctors’ consultation can cost you starting from 50€ per visit.

An Estonian startup Viveo Health is tackling this! They connect you to a network of doctors and clinics. You can get seen virtually within minutes, get referrals to specialists and get e-prescriptions pretty much instantly. Their network includes a medical staff of over 5000 professionals. The payments are handled by your employer. Currently there are 1000 people who have joined their service and in Estonia, you have this extra love if you work at Proekspert 🙂 


Companies offering private health care or extra compensation

Omniva jobs, Interactive Brokers jobs, Nortal jobs, Veriff jobs, Proekspert jobs, Swedbank jobs, Microsoft jobs, Adcash jobs, Tele2 jobs


Healthy Food

health and wellness estonia food

The right diet is crucial for your health and wellness. In fact, diet related diseases have reached the top causes of death, surpassing lung cancer.

Of the 56.9 million deaths worldwide in 2016, more than half (54%) were due to the top 10 causes. Ischaemic heart disease and stroke are the world’s biggest killers, accounting for a combined 15.2 million deaths in 2016. These diseases have remained the leading causes of death globally in the last 15 years according to WHO

When healthy eating is promoted collectively, it is much easier to keep in track. Discussing healthy food options and diets in the kitchen with your team while snacking on some fresh fruit and nuts available can go a long way.


These companies offer fresh fruit & veg in the office

All Media Digital jobs, Nortal jobs, Scoro jobs, Burfa Tech jobs, Testlio jobs, COMODULE jobs, Mindshare Estonia jobs, Betsson Group jobs, Fortumo jobs, Insly jobs, Glia jobs, Skeleton Technologies jobs, SK ID Solutions jobs, Helmes jobs, INZMO jobs, Turnit jobs, Fiizy jobs, MindTitan jobs, Sixfold jobs, Admiral Markets jobs, Erply jobs, Bedford Row Capital jobs, Bolt jobs, Icefire jobs, eAgronom jobs, Adcash jobs, Mooncascade jobs, Interactive Brokers jobs, SportID jobs, SEB jobs, Rush Street Interactive jobs, RMIT jobs, IPF Digital jobs, Limegrow jobs, Veriff jobs, EstateGuru jobs, aTalent Recruiting jobs, Vaimo jobs, AFS IT Services Estonia jobs, Mobinner jobs, RingIT jobs, Geneto jobs, Singleton jobs, Microsoft jobs, Optimist Public jobs, Softwerk jobs, Starship jobs, EveryPay jobs, Proekspert jobs, Perforce jobs, Creative Mobile jobs, Swedbank jobs, Cash On Go jobs, Guardtime jobs, Tele2 jobs



Remote Work

health and wellness remote work

Remote work is one of the most requested perks our talent in Estonia has requested on MeetFrank. Furthermore, there’s plenty of data that shows the positives of remote work far outweigh the negatives. Remote work has been researched quite a bit and it is one of the perks that works great for keeping stress levels down. 

Personally I know the immense benefits – of course depends on your type of responsibilities however taking a few days to work from the peace and quiet of your own home without spending time on commuting can really make the team more productive. In addition to this it adds a sense of trust to your team.


Here are companies offering remote work in Estonia on MeetFrank:

All Media Digital jobs, Scoro jobs, Burfa Tech jobs, Testlio jobs, COMODULE jobs, Mindshare Estonia jobs, Betsson Group jobs, Fortumo jobs, Insly jobs, Skeleton Technologies jobs, Helmes jobs, Katana MRP jobs, Fiizy jobs, MindTitan jobs, Sixfold jobs, Admiral Markets jobs, Erply jobs, Bedford Row Capital jobs, Bolt jobs, eAgronom jobs, Adcash jobs, Mooncascade jobs, Omniva jobs, SportID jobs, SEB jobs, Rush Street Interactive jobs, RMIT jobs, IPF Digital jobs, Limegrow jobs, Veriff jobs, EstateGuru jobs, aTalent Recruiting jobs, Vaimo jobs, Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet jobs, AFS IT Services Estonia jobs, Mobinner jobs, Geneto jobs, Singleton jobs, Microsoft jobs, Optimist Public jobs, Softwerk jobs, Starship jobs, EveryPay jobs, Clanbeat jobs, Proekspert jobs, Perforce jobs, Creative Mobile jobs, Swedbank jobs, Cash On Go jobs, Guardtime jobs, Tele2 jobs


Team Sport Events

team sport companies estonia

Healthy food and health checks are a great way to improve the overall health and the team morale. However, you also got to keep you body healthy with some exercise. Sports events are also great for team building.

Team sports events benefit the workplace by:

  • Improving productivity
  • Increasing motivation
  • Increasing collaboration
  • Encouraging creativity
  • Improving communication


Here are some companies getting their team to be more active by offering SportID or gym membership:

All Media Digital jobs, Scoro jobs, Burfa Tech jobs, Testlio jobs, COMODULE jobs, Mindshare Estonia jobs, Betsson Group jobs, Fortumo jobs, Insly jobs, Glia jobs, Skeleton Technologies jobs, SK ID Solutions jobs, Helmes jobs, Katana MRP jobs, MindTitan jobs, Admiral Markets jobs, Erply jobs, Bedford Row Capital jobs, Bolt jobs, eAgronom jobs, Adcash jobs, Mooncascade jobs, Interactive Brokers jobs, Omniva jobs, SportID jobs, SEB jobs, RMIT jobs, IPF Digital jobs, Limegrow jobs, Veriff jobs, EstateGuru jobs, aTalent Recruiting jobs, Vaimo jobs, Telema jobs, SMIT jobs, Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet jobs, AFS IT Services Estonia jobs, Mobinner jobs, RingIT jobs, Geneto jobs, Singleton jobs, Microsoft jobs, Optimist Public jobs, Softwerk jobs, EveryPay jobs, Proekspert jobs, Swedbank jobs, Cash On Go jobs, Guardtime jobs, Tele2 jobs

These guys also do team sport events:

All Media Digital jobs, Nortal jobs, Scoro jobs, Burfa Tech jobs, Testlio jobs, COMODULE jobs, Mindshare Estonia jobs, Betsson Group jobs, Fortumo jobs, Skeleton Technologies jobs, Helmes jobs, Katana MRP jobs, Turnit jobs, Fiizy jobs, Sixfold jobs, Admiral Markets jobs, Erply jobs, Bedford Row Capital jobs, Bolt jobs, AdCash jobs, Mooncascade jobs, Omniva jobs, SEB jobs, Rush Street Interactive jobs, RMIT jobs, IPF Digital jobs, Veriff jobs, EstateGuru jobs, aTalent Recruiting jobs, Vaimo jobs, Telema jobs, SMIT jobs, AFS IT Services Estonia jobs, Mobinner jobs, RingIT jobs, Geneto jobs, Singleton jobs, Microsoft jobs, Optimist Public jobs, EveryPay jobs, Clanbeat jobs, Proekspert jobs, Swedbank jobs, Cash On Go jobs, Guardtime jobs, Tele2 jobs



health and wellness estonia

Not all perks fit into strict frames. Health trends change quite a bit but some stuff is well tested and adopted. Think of what else may affect you at work? Sitting by a computer all day hurts your back and posture, the lighting and screen hurts your eyes. Here’s some more extra steps that employers are taking to keep their team healthy.


Ergonomics perks and/or standing desks

All Media Digital jobs, Scoro jobs, Burfa Tech jobs, Betsson Group jobs, Testlio jobs, Insly jobs, Glia jobs, Skeleton Technologies jobs, SK ID Solutions jobs, Helmes jobs, INZMO jobs, Katana MRP jobs, Turnit jobs, Sixfold jobs, Admiral Markets jobs, Erply jobs, Bedford Row Capital jobs, Bolt jobs, Icefire jobs, eAgronom jobs, Adcash jobs, Interactive Brokers jobs, Mooncascade jobs, Omniva jobs, SEB jobs, Rush Street Interactive jobs, RMIT jobs, IPF Digital jobs, Limegrow jobs, Veriff jobs, aTalent Recruiting jobs, Vaimo jobs, SMIT jobs, Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet jobs, AFS IT Services Estonia jobs, RingIT jobs, Microsoft jobs, Softwerk jobs, Starship jobs, Proekspert jobs, Perforce jobs, Swedbank jobs, Microsoft jobs, COMODULE jobs, Nortal jobs, Cash On Go jobs, Guardtime jobs, Tele2 jobs


Relaxation and meditation rooms

Skeleton Technologies jobs, SK ID Solutions jobs, Helmes jobs, SEB jobs, Swedbank jobs, Tele2 jobs



Nortal jobs, Scoro jobs, Testlio jobs, Fortumo jobs, Insly jobs, SK ID Solutions jobs, Helmes jobs, Turnit jobs, Admiral Markets jobs, Erply jobs, Icefire jobs, Adcash jobs, Omniva jobs, SportID jobs, SEB jobs, RMIT jobs, Veriff jobs, Vaimo jobs, SMIT jobs, Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet jobs, RingIT jobs, Microsoft jobs, Starship jobs, Proekspert jobs, Swedbank jobs, Cash On Go jobs, Guardtime jobs, Tele2 jobs


Glasses compensations

Nortal jobs, Swedbank jobs, Helmes jobs, Admiral Markets jobs, Proekspert jobs, Cash On Go jobs, Guardtime jobs, Tele2 jobs

Some employers that really stood out:

health and wellness estonia

Testlio – on top of attending to almost every health benefit we brought out in this write-up, they have scheduled a mindfulness course in the office + 1 month paid sabbatical if you’ve been on the team for 5 years.

COMODULE do planking in the office and have a no-mess orange juicer!

Helmes goes all out with a sleeping capsule, table tennis, pool table, sauna, stretching track… Not bad at all.

Insly has a ping-pong room on top of many other perks. But also worth a mention that Insly has also won an award for a work-friendly environment many years in a row in Estonia. I must mention that I had the pleasure of working with some of Insly’s team and share an office with them some time back and they do indeed deserve the award 🙂

At Katana MRP by default your birthday is a day off – take time to celebrate moving to the next level!

Love cats? Turnit has an office furball called Maša.

Omniva and Swedbank have their own health track on site and Creative Mobile does Kouksundo in the office in the mornings.

Cash On Go will give extra paid 7-days winter vacation for employees who have been in a team for 2 years.

Guardtime has weekly yoga sessions and sauna to use at any time.


With all these perks and healthy lifestyle promoting activities many of the companies offer, there’s really little excuse to get healthy 🙂

Did you find some cool companies that align with your perfect workspace? Why don’t you check out if you’re a match on MeetFrank!

Offer some amazing perks to your team but weren’t featured here? Set up your profile on MeetFrank and let us know!

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